
Trudo Pass

Visit all monuments with 1 key-pass

Do you want to visit the several historical buildings, using only one ticket? It is possible! With a Trudo pass you can visit our monuments for 2 days. You can buy the Trudo pass at the tourist office.

The Trudo pass is a information flyer with a small city plan and a city hiking route where all the sights are marked on. All monuments have a short description in the flyer so you can learn more about there background. With the unique code you can enter all monuments during 2 consecutive days.

Don't miss out

Trudo Pass | Abbey Tower

Trudo Pass | Crypt

Trudo Pass | Capuchin Chapel

Trudo Pass | Guvelingen Church

Trudo Pass | Festraets’ astronomical clock

Trudo Pass | Academy Hall

Trudo Pass | Emperor’s Hall

Trudo Pass | Abbey mill

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